Sirius Sagan

A shirtless male character of mine who has big breasts.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Sirius Sagan
Hello this is Project Orion II's Chief Designer and this post is about my Sirius Sagan character that I have created. Sirius Sagan's name is derived from the star Sirius and the name Carl Sagan and his head is inspired by the head of a CGI dog from a couple of Sirius Satellite Radio commercials several years ago. He is a shirtless tall dog man with huge breasts. He has blue star eye markings as well as a blue nose and has blue nipples. He has light blue pants with three dark blue stars representing Orion's belt. He has no hair on his body and is smooth skinned. He is 190 centimeters tall and is in very good shape and works out and exercises daily. He dislikes the heat and prefers winter over summer and is even shirtless out in the snow when humans would bundle up because his breasts and muscle tone keep him warm. He is a shirtless skier and skiing is his favorite sport. He was spawned by my interests in astronomy and my Project Orion II concept. Sirius Sagan is a full time Colo Claw Fish Protector and the head of the Colo Claw Fish Protection Agency (CCFPA).
Friday, December 14, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
I'm way too Liberal for Star Wars
Hello, this is Project Orion II's Chief Designer and I have to tell you that I am far too liberal for Star Wars. I did not realize this for many years since I was subconsciously bothered by Star Wars with some conscious indicators at the surface ever since I was seven. When I was a small child six and seven, I was fascinated with some scary creatures and drew them. Plus I am very inclusive. I gave Star Wars many chances and each time sooner or later it blew up in my face. I have a mascot who is a shirtless dog man with beautiful female breasts named Sirius Sagan, I am positive with the likes of Colo Claw Fish, I challenge conventional thinking regularly, and that is the tip of the iceberg of why I am too liberal for Star Wars.
My Anti-Star Wars Slogan:
May the Force be forgotten, fly on Orion II, mister!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Why I Hate Star Wars UPDATE 12/8/2012
Hello, this is Project Orion II's Chief Designer and this is an up to date post on exactly why I loathe Star Wars. I have a deep foreboding that Star Wars will make me feel excluded and worse yet treat my ilk as the bad guy. I have recently found out that I am way too liberal for Star Wars since its protagonists such as Luke Skywalker and the Jedi harbor certain forms of prejudice including fear of people who think like me, animal stereotypes, and sexual hangups. I know that Star Wars does not promote racism, sexism, or homophobia per say, but it definitely celebrates other forms of bigotry. The animal stereotype in Star Wars occurs in brief periods at any one given time such as the celebrated persecution of Colo Claw Fish in which they are treated as pro-Dark Side animals. Star Wars reveals the true extent of its sexual hangups throughout the course of Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (ATOC) in which Anakin and Padme's love and sexuality was portrayed as forbidden by the Jedi. Plus the most avid members of the Star Wars fan base tends to voice hostility towards space stuff that I happen like ranging from Star Trek to James Cameron's Avatar. Worse yet, they can run down Star Trek heroes for example and treat them as villains for no other reason but to push Star Wars onto other people!
I now realize that I have always deep down inside been too liberal for Star Wars. Star Wars may have said that it was against the George and Dick Administration in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith (ROTS), but the franchise still harbors some right wing ideologies and see things virtually in just black and white with very little room for any grey areas. Reality has vastly more grey areas than the Star Wars universe does, the only major grey area in Star Wars that I know of is the character of Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. Darth Vader). This is an up-to-date post on why I dislike Star Wars.
I now realize that I have always deep down inside been too liberal for Star Wars. Star Wars may have said that it was against the George and Dick Administration in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith (ROTS), but the franchise still harbors some right wing ideologies and see things virtually in just black and white with very little room for any grey areas. Reality has vastly more grey areas than the Star Wars universe does, the only major grey area in Star Wars that I know of is the character of Anakin Skywalker (a.k.a. Darth Vader). This is an up-to-date post on why I dislike Star Wars.
Friday, December 7, 2012
How Project Orion II will foil the Drej plot to destroy Planet Earth
Hello, this is Project Orion II's Chief Designer and I am rigging my interstellar brainchild which I designed for interstellar exploration to be able to take on my most hated war machine of all time, the Crystalline Drej Mothership known as Alahenena. I have done some research before writing this post in which I refute the most obnoxious defense of Titan AE that I ever had the displeasure of hearing. A jerk known as Silver Jedi made his macabre defense and introduced it with "no offense" stating how nothing could have stopped the Drej from destroying Earth in the first place no matter what using "human spirit and mortality" as a sickening excuse. Newsflash Silver Jedi, Offense taken! Watch out Silver Jedi, Project Orion II can and will stop the Drej from destroying Earth and it would be an act of war for you to fight against the Orion II efforts to stop the Drej from blowing up our planet. Plus another realistic starship that can stop the Drej from destroying our planet is the Bussard Ramjet which can obviously drain the Drej with its ramscoop. So behold the sources that I use and cite for this post:
Now I will talk about the specs of Project Orion II and Alahenena. The Orion II Starship is 209 meters long and 62 meters wide while the Alahenena is 7620 meters long. An antimatter bomb is a hundred times more powerful than a nuclear weapon where a teaspoon of antimatter is enough to wipe out any major city on Earth. The narration in the beginning of Titan AE said that the Drej came without warning suggesting stealth in space which is a clear violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. There is no way that the Drej can hide their military spacecraft from detection by Project Orion II. Plus in space you cannot swoop or turn on a dime since there is no air pressure or friction in space and Drej Stingers will not make sense economically, scientifically, or militarily. So Project Orion II will have the advantage and the Alahenena will be a sitting duck. Windows are omitted on both opposing spacecraft. The Orion II Starship launches an antimatter warhead towards the Alahenena while the enemy planet buster is only visible through the six on-board 5m reflector telescopes on the astronomy deck. The antimatter device moves too fast to allow for enough time for the Drej to react and it goes into the heart of the enemy warship before going off and there is a very good reason for this. That is because lethal gamma rays result form matter-antimatter explosions and travel at the speed of light and you cannot outrun X-rays. If the antimatter device is detonated when it is in the heart of the Drej Mothership, the Drej Ship will soak up the gamma rays upon its destruction and thus shield my Orion II from the deadliest elements of the blast. There is no way that the Drej Ship can withstand the explosion of an antimatter bomb going off inside it, even if this happens before the Drej destroy Earth. So Project Orion II detonating an antimatter bomb inside the Alahenena before the Drej destroy Earth is guaranteed to foil their plot to destroy Earth regardless of what Silver Jedi says.
Another problem with Silver Jedi is his straw man logic about me assuming that I hate any sci-fi that is not either Star Trek or my creation which has no basis in reality whatsoever, a total distortion of my position against Titan AE. I like other space sci-fi besides Star Trek and my creations like Project Orion II including Carl Sagan's Contact and James Cameron's Avatar and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I am against Titan AE because it has a spaceship destroy Earth for stupid and pointless reasons, its story is disjointed, and the movie uses way too much handwavium especially since a handwavium device is humanity's only hope in the film. I fear that Titan AE might have been created as an attempt to exact planet-busting revenge against The Lion King for overtaking Don Bluth and Gary Wayne Goldman. What I just stated as my reasons for railing against Titan AE are far more specific than just not being Star Trek or my creation. So Silver Jedi, I have strong feelings about this due to my deep regard for other life, my vehement opposition to genocide, and me feeling the deaths of others.
Let's assume using the Starfighter way to stop the Drej from destroying Earth as discussed in the Destroy The Death Star episode of Michio Kaku's Sci-Fi Science series. As I state before, the banking and swooping in space that lots of sci-fi depicts Starfighters doing is IMPOSSIBLE and instead your would pivot and swivel when you make a turn in space. Plus the pilot needs to be immersed in a fluid to protect against being crushed by the G-forces when he makes turns. Plus you are not helpless in space when someone is behind you, that is utter bollocks. You can simply rotate 180 degrees and fly backwards to take out the pursuer. So the particle beam guns wold make quick work of any Drej Stingers since they fire plasma bits at nearly the speed of light. Like with the much larger 160km wide Death Star, the fighters would swarm, move fast, and maneuver in a way that does not allow the Drej enough time to react. Plus the antimatter bomb which is powerful enough to wipe out the Death Star will be used to take the Alahenena out of commission. But the antimatter bomb must go into the center of the Alahenena before going off to soak up the deadly gamma rays since they travel at the speed of light.
In fact, a mature Titan AE fan on YouTueb known as DrejStinger1986 beat me to this antimatter bomb approach to stopping the Drej from destroying Earth in a story he wrote me. he did it for fictitious reasons to take out the queen which is fine since he was lucky to get it right of using antimatter as to not rely on fictitious weaknesses and to put it deep in the Alahenena which solves the gamma ray problem. DrejStinger1986 gets an A for that but that is just luck for him.
HappyCabbie on YouTube is another Titan AE apologist who believes in this same evil defense of Titan AE and thinks that Titan AE is great because of it. So anyone who dares to tell me that Project Orion II with antimatter bomb cannot stop the Drej from destroying Earth will be blocked and their comment removed since I will not bother to waste my time dignifying their comments!
- Sci-Fi Science: Physics Of The Impossible - Season 2, Episode 7 Destroy The Death Star: How I chose to use an antimatter bomb against the Alahenena.
- Atomic Rockets - Homepage
- Atomic Rockets - Preliminary Notes: Where I first learned about the word "handwavium"
- Atomic Rockets - Common Misconceptions: No windows on starships and engaging the Drej with their planet buster only visible through the telescope.
- Atomic Rockets - Respecting Science
- Atomic Rockets - Exotic Space Weapons: Space fighters do not make sense economically, scientifically, or militarily
- Atomic Rockets - Detection in Space Warfare: There is no stealth in space
Now I will talk about the specs of Project Orion II and Alahenena. The Orion II Starship is 209 meters long and 62 meters wide while the Alahenena is 7620 meters long. An antimatter bomb is a hundred times more powerful than a nuclear weapon where a teaspoon of antimatter is enough to wipe out any major city on Earth. The narration in the beginning of Titan AE said that the Drej came without warning suggesting stealth in space which is a clear violation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. There is no way that the Drej can hide their military spacecraft from detection by Project Orion II. Plus in space you cannot swoop or turn on a dime since there is no air pressure or friction in space and Drej Stingers will not make sense economically, scientifically, or militarily. So Project Orion II will have the advantage and the Alahenena will be a sitting duck. Windows are omitted on both opposing spacecraft. The Orion II Starship launches an antimatter warhead towards the Alahenena while the enemy planet buster is only visible through the six on-board 5m reflector telescopes on the astronomy deck. The antimatter device moves too fast to allow for enough time for the Drej to react and it goes into the heart of the enemy warship before going off and there is a very good reason for this. That is because lethal gamma rays result form matter-antimatter explosions and travel at the speed of light and you cannot outrun X-rays. If the antimatter device is detonated when it is in the heart of the Drej Mothership, the Drej Ship will soak up the gamma rays upon its destruction and thus shield my Orion II from the deadliest elements of the blast. There is no way that the Drej Ship can withstand the explosion of an antimatter bomb going off inside it, even if this happens before the Drej destroy Earth. So Project Orion II detonating an antimatter bomb inside the Alahenena before the Drej destroy Earth is guaranteed to foil their plot to destroy Earth regardless of what Silver Jedi says.
Another problem with Silver Jedi is his straw man logic about me assuming that I hate any sci-fi that is not either Star Trek or my creation which has no basis in reality whatsoever, a total distortion of my position against Titan AE. I like other space sci-fi besides Star Trek and my creations like Project Orion II including Carl Sagan's Contact and James Cameron's Avatar and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I am against Titan AE because it has a spaceship destroy Earth for stupid and pointless reasons, its story is disjointed, and the movie uses way too much handwavium especially since a handwavium device is humanity's only hope in the film. I fear that Titan AE might have been created as an attempt to exact planet-busting revenge against The Lion King for overtaking Don Bluth and Gary Wayne Goldman. What I just stated as my reasons for railing against Titan AE are far more specific than just not being Star Trek or my creation. So Silver Jedi, I have strong feelings about this due to my deep regard for other life, my vehement opposition to genocide, and me feeling the deaths of others.
Let's assume using the Starfighter way to stop the Drej from destroying Earth as discussed in the Destroy The Death Star episode of Michio Kaku's Sci-Fi Science series. As I state before, the banking and swooping in space that lots of sci-fi depicts Starfighters doing is IMPOSSIBLE and instead your would pivot and swivel when you make a turn in space. Plus the pilot needs to be immersed in a fluid to protect against being crushed by the G-forces when he makes turns. Plus you are not helpless in space when someone is behind you, that is utter bollocks. You can simply rotate 180 degrees and fly backwards to take out the pursuer. So the particle beam guns wold make quick work of any Drej Stingers since they fire plasma bits at nearly the speed of light. Like with the much larger 160km wide Death Star, the fighters would swarm, move fast, and maneuver in a way that does not allow the Drej enough time to react. Plus the antimatter bomb which is powerful enough to wipe out the Death Star will be used to take the Alahenena out of commission. But the antimatter bomb must go into the center of the Alahenena before going off to soak up the deadly gamma rays since they travel at the speed of light.
In fact, a mature Titan AE fan on YouTueb known as DrejStinger1986 beat me to this antimatter bomb approach to stopping the Drej from destroying Earth in a story he wrote me. he did it for fictitious reasons to take out the queen which is fine since he was lucky to get it right of using antimatter as to not rely on fictitious weaknesses and to put it deep in the Alahenena which solves the gamma ray problem. DrejStinger1986 gets an A for that but that is just luck for him.
HappyCabbie on YouTube is another Titan AE apologist who believes in this same evil defense of Titan AE and thinks that Titan AE is great because of it. So anyone who dares to tell me that Project Orion II with antimatter bomb cannot stop the Drej from destroying Earth will be blocked and their comment removed since I will not bother to waste my time dignifying their comments!
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Sirius Sagan |
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Stern Message for NotOrdinaryInGames the Prototypical Titan AE Fan Bigot
NotOrdinaryInGames, as Project Orion II's Chief Designer, I have a message of deep concern for you. I am disgusted with the fact that you immediately block mew on YouTube every time I provide mature criticism and scrutiny upon Titan AE without even doing a rebuttal, let alone addressing my argument as a whole. All you do besides blocking me and removing my anti-Titan AE comments form your account is call em names and outright attack me with on authority fallacy. This is very shameful and I need to have a pow-wow about this.
NotOrdinaryInGames, what are you so terrified of? Are you frightened of the fact that I can easily shoot down Titan AE with arguments that you simply cannot refute? Are you fearful of the fact that I have legitimate reasons for hating Titan AE and railing against that movie? I bet you are or else you would try to at least rebut me instead of skimpy replies upon blocking me that do virtually nothing except for verbally attacking me. NotOrdinartyInGames; you offend me, that's right, you piss me off by your refusal to acknowledge my concerns and very cowardly actions.
Another problem that I now have with you NotOrdinaryInGames is that you probably agree with Confused Matthew's dictatorial and mind-numbing review of The Lion King as proven by a comment stating how you did not want to give your opinion for fear of starting a flame war on a video called Danny's Commentary: Confused Matthew. This brings up my ultimate foreboding about Titan AE which is that Don Bluth and Gary Wayne Goldman and the writers of Titan AE wanted to exact planet-busting revenge against The Lion King for its roaring success and overtaking Bluth out of sheer jealousy. This is not certain but there is loose evidence to suggest this grim possibility of Titan AE being designed as a planet-busting attack against The Lion King. To either confirm or dispel my suspicions, use official sources from the makers of Titan AE like what they have to say about The Lion King. NotOrdinaryInGames, I fear that one of your reasons for loving Titan AE is because of its cosmic anti-Lion King vendetta in which case I will have to be hostile to your opinion for it if that is the case. It is okay to like Titan AE because of good messages in the film such as hope and second chances but wrong t like it because it seeks to destroy something that you hate with sheer force. NotOrdinaryInGames, I have astronomically more reason to bash Titan AE than you or Confused Matthew do to bash The Lion King.
NotOrdinaryInGames, I argue against the asinine orgy of handwavium and the abhorrent story of Titan AE and my logic and evidence there seems to be way too much for you to handle. I do admit that it has good messages even though the story is messed up. Titan AE got a couple of things right such as the internal layout of the Titan and the lack of windows on some of its interstellar spacecraft. I strongly recommend the Atomic Rockets website which promotes realistic science fiction by advocating the placement of hard science in science fiction and also look up Arthur C Clark too. James Cameron's Avatar is currently my number one all-time favorite movie in part because of its scientific accuracy but also because of its story and its environmental and anti-imperialistic messages. Rather you like it or not NotOrdinaryInGames, it is a 100% proven FACT of life that Avatar is astronomically better than Titan AE for various reasons such as things making much more sense in Avatar than they do in Titan AE.
Sirius Sagan (top) versus NotOrdinaryInGames (bottom). Sirius Sagan is 100% against Titan AE because he is rightfully disgusted by the utter disregard for life and the overuse of handwavium just like I am. Sirius Sagan's favorite movie is the aforementioned Avatar and his most hated movie is Titan AE. NotordinaryInGames, you must learn to live with the fact that there are people out there who hate Titan AE and I happen to be one of them! Blocking them and removing their comments just for merely informing you that they dislike Titan AE for valid reasons is immature, 100% PRO-CENSORSHIP, and against the freedom of speech.
Project Orion II will foil the Drej plot to destroy Planet Earth by putting an antimatter bomb in the Drej Mothership and detonating it before the Drej destroy Earth. NotOrdinaryInGames, if you say that Sirius Sagan and Orion II cannot stop the Drej form destroying Earth even with an antimatter bomb, then you are a LIAR! I have done some research before hatching this plan.
I chose the antimatter bomb as my weapon of choice from watching an episode of Michio Kaku's Sci-Fi Science: Physics Of The Impossible called "Destroy The Death Star". That is because Kaku came to the conclusion that an antimatter bomb is ideal for taking out the 160km wide Death Star since it is 100 times more powerful than a nuclear weapon and a teaspoon of antimatter can wipe out any major city on Earth. The Drej Ship Alahenena is only 25000ft (7.62km) long so there is no way that it could withstand the blast of an antimatter weapon going off inside it, even if the antimatter device goes off in it before it destroys Earth.
I also did some research on the Atomic Rockets website and one of the things that I have learned is that space fighters do not make sense economically, scientifically, or militarily so Drej Stingers would be useless against Orion II on those grounds. The beginning of Titan AE says the Drej come without warning suggesting stealth in space, laughable. The is no such thing as stealth in space; even without any visible means of propulsion or with cloaking devices, as guaranteed by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics! Plus the Orion II Starship will engage the Crystalline Drej Ship while it is only visible through the six 5m reflector telescopes on the astronomy deck.
The antimatter warhead will deploy from a hold where a dispatch probe is normally stored and will move too fast for the Drej to react. The warhead will go into the heart of the Alahenena before going off so the Drej Vessel will soak up the gamma rays and shield my Orion II form the deadliest elements of the blast. The antimatter device is embedded in the Alahenena and is detonated before the Drej fire on Earth. Therefore, Project Orion II takes the Alahenena out of commission and stops the Drej from destroying our plant.
NotOrdinaryInGames, that counter story scenario is expressing my strong feelings that I have against the idea of a spaceship destroying Earth for asinine reasons.
NotOrdinaryInGames, what are you so terrified of? Are you frightened of the fact that I can easily shoot down Titan AE with arguments that you simply cannot refute? Are you fearful of the fact that I have legitimate reasons for hating Titan AE and railing against that movie? I bet you are or else you would try to at least rebut me instead of skimpy replies upon blocking me that do virtually nothing except for verbally attacking me. NotOrdinartyInGames; you offend me, that's right, you piss me off by your refusal to acknowledge my concerns and very cowardly actions.
Another problem that I now have with you NotOrdinaryInGames is that you probably agree with Confused Matthew's dictatorial and mind-numbing review of The Lion King as proven by a comment stating how you did not want to give your opinion for fear of starting a flame war on a video called Danny's Commentary: Confused Matthew. This brings up my ultimate foreboding about Titan AE which is that Don Bluth and Gary Wayne Goldman and the writers of Titan AE wanted to exact planet-busting revenge against The Lion King for its roaring success and overtaking Bluth out of sheer jealousy. This is not certain but there is loose evidence to suggest this grim possibility of Titan AE being designed as a planet-busting attack against The Lion King. To either confirm or dispel my suspicions, use official sources from the makers of Titan AE like what they have to say about The Lion King. NotOrdinaryInGames, I fear that one of your reasons for loving Titan AE is because of its cosmic anti-Lion King vendetta in which case I will have to be hostile to your opinion for it if that is the case. It is okay to like Titan AE because of good messages in the film such as hope and second chances but wrong t like it because it seeks to destroy something that you hate with sheer force. NotOrdinaryInGames, I have astronomically more reason to bash Titan AE than you or Confused Matthew do to bash The Lion King.
NotOrdinaryInGames, I argue against the asinine orgy of handwavium and the abhorrent story of Titan AE and my logic and evidence there seems to be way too much for you to handle. I do admit that it has good messages even though the story is messed up. Titan AE got a couple of things right such as the internal layout of the Titan and the lack of windows on some of its interstellar spacecraft. I strongly recommend the Atomic Rockets website which promotes realistic science fiction by advocating the placement of hard science in science fiction and also look up Arthur C Clark too. James Cameron's Avatar is currently my number one all-time favorite movie in part because of its scientific accuracy but also because of its story and its environmental and anti-imperialistic messages. Rather you like it or not NotOrdinaryInGames, it is a 100% proven FACT of life that Avatar is astronomically better than Titan AE for various reasons such as things making much more sense in Avatar than they do in Titan AE.
Sirius Sagan (top) versus NotOrdinaryInGames (bottom). Sirius Sagan is 100% against Titan AE because he is rightfully disgusted by the utter disregard for life and the overuse of handwavium just like I am. Sirius Sagan's favorite movie is the aforementioned Avatar and his most hated movie is Titan AE. NotordinaryInGames, you must learn to live with the fact that there are people out there who hate Titan AE and I happen to be one of them! Blocking them and removing their comments just for merely informing you that they dislike Titan AE for valid reasons is immature, 100% PRO-CENSORSHIP, and against the freedom of speech.
Project Orion II will foil the Drej plot to destroy Planet Earth by putting an antimatter bomb in the Drej Mothership and detonating it before the Drej destroy Earth. NotOrdinaryInGames, if you say that Sirius Sagan and Orion II cannot stop the Drej form destroying Earth even with an antimatter bomb, then you are a LIAR! I have done some research before hatching this plan.
I chose the antimatter bomb as my weapon of choice from watching an episode of Michio Kaku's Sci-Fi Science: Physics Of The Impossible called "Destroy The Death Star". That is because Kaku came to the conclusion that an antimatter bomb is ideal for taking out the 160km wide Death Star since it is 100 times more powerful than a nuclear weapon and a teaspoon of antimatter can wipe out any major city on Earth. The Drej Ship Alahenena is only 25000ft (7.62km) long so there is no way that it could withstand the blast of an antimatter weapon going off inside it, even if the antimatter device goes off in it before it destroys Earth.
I also did some research on the Atomic Rockets website and one of the things that I have learned is that space fighters do not make sense economically, scientifically, or militarily so Drej Stingers would be useless against Orion II on those grounds. The beginning of Titan AE says the Drej come without warning suggesting stealth in space, laughable. The is no such thing as stealth in space; even without any visible means of propulsion or with cloaking devices, as guaranteed by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics! Plus the Orion II Starship will engage the Crystalline Drej Ship while it is only visible through the six 5m reflector telescopes on the astronomy deck.
The antimatter warhead will deploy from a hold where a dispatch probe is normally stored and will move too fast for the Drej to react. The warhead will go into the heart of the Alahenena before going off so the Drej Vessel will soak up the gamma rays and shield my Orion II form the deadliest elements of the blast. The antimatter device is embedded in the Alahenena and is detonated before the Drej fire on Earth. Therefore, Project Orion II takes the Alahenena out of commission and stops the Drej from destroying our plant.
NotOrdinaryInGames, that counter story scenario is expressing my strong feelings that I have against the idea of a spaceship destroying Earth for asinine reasons.
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